So last night while I was lying around like a big, fat, slug I became suddenly inspired and started doing my old yoga routine (Corpse into cobra into cow into child into downward-facing-dog into plank into side plank ... Lotus into inverted lotus (a couple of other positions I forget the names of and I am not about to look up images of Tantric yoga at work) into your favorite and mine! (really, it is my favorite) CLOUD! Mountain to re-center then three variations on Warrior pose (yes, I am a Strong Warrior, a Fierce Warrior, and a Quiet Warrior) with Triangle mixed in and some Bow to continue the whole hunter war theme. I was feeling so good at that point that I did 20 min of Pilates and cooled down with some more CLOUD! (good LORD I love me some Cloud!*)
So anyway, the reason I'm telling everyone about my Yoga routine is ... I had forgotten how great Yoga is, how quickly it improves your mood, energy level, and posture. Now, I can't move like I did in my Yoga heyday and I can't hold my postures for the lengths of time I once did (Di may remember me watching TV at AZD in inverted lotus pose.) But I still feel great (I got up today and did an easy 20 min routine to prevent stiffness after last nights free-for-all.) My glutes and quads and even my abs (a little) hurt in that Oh-So-Good workout way. (Not stiff and painful ... But I can feel it) That is what I love about Yoga. 12 hours later my posture is better, because my posture is better my clothes fit better and I am more focused.
I started doing Yoga a LONG ass time ago to help with my "little episodes" (ease depression, anxiety, and anger) I have long believed that if you are a little ... *ahem* unbalanced you can do wonders for your mental well-being with diet, exorcise and meditation (to maintain self-awareness so you can tell when diet and exorcise aren't enough). Lately I have been eating crap and sitting around like a lump. I have been "meditating" ... But in an obsessive unhealthy way. Yesterday's 3 fun filled hours of panic attack were a hard slap in the face. My body was screaming "Wake up stupid! Do something about this NOW while you still can." So when I cleaned yesterday into the trash went the crap foods while veggies and lean meats remained, treats (while fatty) are better options than processed sugar (such as cashew butter ... Mmm cashew butter) and I did my Yoga! Hurrah!
*My love of the Cloud position is 4 fold.
1. It is fantastic for stretching your hamstrings, glutes, back and neck. ... Basically your whole backside.
2. I find it really comfortable ... In my Yoga heyday I actually fell asleep in the Cloud position ... I find it that comfortable.
3. It is the only "purely" Tantric position I do regularly (meaning that there is VERY little crossover of Cloud into other forms of Yoga. You are VERY unlikely to find Cloud on any Yoga tape or in any Yoga book not related to Tantra.) Which leads me to number 4...
4. When people see me doing Cloud they inevitably go "Damn!" (Which amuses me greatly) Doesn't matter if it is a man or woman, gay or straight ... Eyes go wide. (A lot of men ask me to teach them to do it too.)
A mini description of Cloud (for the unfamiliar) I like to start in Lotus then roll up onto my shoulders with my arms supporting my lower back (to prevent back and neck strain). From the inverted Lotus I uncross and straighten my legs I then slowly bend at the knees and hips until my knees are over my forehead. I lower my knees to the floor until they are resting on the floor next to my ears and my shins are lying along the floor. That is Cloud. (Now if you followed all of that you understand why guys want me to teach them how to do it. ... In a very limber person your face is only a few inches away from your crotch.)