Life Lessons:
I have USUALLY believed that people are basically good, perhaps because most of the time it just doesn’t occur to me to screw other people over. I live by the Golden Rule (for good and bad … that also can mean offering people blunt honesty … which they often don’t appreciate) But today I dealt with Credit Card Fraud and a person who has attempted to shaft me time and again and now is trying to take on the role of the injured party. “I have learned a valuable life lesson” … guess what asshole so have I. YOU SUCK. I DON’T feel bad for you. I KNOW that in this case I am the injured party … don’t try to spin it. You can’t spin shit. Hell, when I knew you, even when you WERE the injured party you looked bad. Take $.35 of the $160 you owe me and call someone who cares.
Pile this on top of the story of some "good Christian Missionaries" who are planning on going to some of the islands that were hit by the tsunami ... 6 months from now ... so they can bask in some of the best vacation destinations in the world ... and enjoy religious mission travel discounts and a tax break to boot. No, this is NOT something I heard from someone who knows somebody. I know these people. Most human beings are filth.
Up side? 7 days