Thursday, January 27, 2005

Life Lessons:

I have USUALLY believed that people are basically good, perhaps because most of the time it just doesn’t occur to me to screw other people over. I live by the Golden Rule (for good and bad … that also can mean offering people blunt honesty … which they often don’t appreciate) But today I dealt with Credit Card Fraud and a person who has attempted to shaft me time and again and now is trying to take on the role of the injured party. “I have learned a valuable life lesson” … guess what asshole so have I. YOU SUCK. I DON’T feel bad for you. I KNOW that in this case I am the injured party … don’t try to spin it. You can’t spin shit. Hell, when I knew you, even when you WERE the injured party you looked bad. Take $.35 of the $160 you owe me and call someone who cares.

Pile this on top of the story of some "good Christian Missionaries" who are planning on going to some of the islands that were hit by the tsunami ... 6 months from now ... so they can bask in some of the best vacation destinations in the world ... and enjoy religious mission travel discounts and a tax break to boot. No, this is NOT something I heard from someone who knows somebody. I know these people. Most human beings are filth.

Up side? 7 days

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I am pissed off … I FINALLY got my stuff from Cali … short $250.

Already stressed, sleepless, CRANKY Amber is not a girl you want to short on her money.

My suggestion? No sudden moves, back SLOWLY away and DON’T suggest I “calm down”, “Relax”, or that “it will all work out” … if you do so … you might lose body parts … yes, this even holds true for Lee right now.

Edit: Still no sleep, but a couple hours of constructive rest (Something George taught me that I agree with) and I am much better. I still don’t recommend any of the above mentioned comments … but I am no longer a feral beast with BIG claws and BIG teeth … I am a cranky fuzzy-bunny … I may still bite and I am sorry about that … but it wont be anything a Band-Aid can’t cure.

Monday, January 24, 2005

What is with today today?

So, it seems that, the entirety of the little corner of the Blog-o-sphere I frequent is suffering, to one degree or another, from a case of the midwinter blahs. Even those in warmer climates seem to have imported a sense of the Midwestern midwinter malaise. In response to this I have turned into Yoda, skipping about the Blog-o-sphere dispensing advice such as “This too shall pass” and offering encouragement. This, I believe, is yet another side effect of my happy love life … damn it! All this happy love crap is spoiling all my traditionally foul moods and turning me into (to quote myself) a “fuzzy, cute, little bunny!” Where is my dry, cutting wit? I hardly ever hand out well crafted insults anymore. (Not that I was EVER really witty … but I was insulting and had my moments of brilliance in cutting commentary) Ding Dong the bitch is dead! Speaking of which … before I was distracted by the general malaise of the Blog-o-sphere … I had a happy, sweet, sappy little post I was mentally crafting entitled:

Why Lee Nunn is a wonderful man
(I know, I know. Shut the hell up.)

1. He is kind

2. He is intelligent

3. He is handsome

4. He has great strength of character.

5. When I am dealing with the melodrama that is our circle of friends he is quite willing to accept that sometimes he is half ignored and I can’t/won’t tell him why.

6. During such times as mentioned above he sends me cute little pictures to bolster my mood.

7. He is fully accepting of my friendship with Bob. (Something that actually has been a sticking point with other young men who tend to be disbelieving that Bob and I truly are platonic friends)

8. Basic facts of female physiology neither make him squeamish or uncomfortable, and he finds the idea that some males ARE squeamish or uncomfortable with such things strange.

9. He tells me with great regularity that he finds me beautiful, smart, and sexy. (and finds the "Smart" part sexy)

10. Knowing that I have a terrible time accepting compliments he once held my hands (to prevent my general embarrassed response, in the face of compliments, of covering my face and rubbing my nose) while he told me over and over that I am beautiful.

10 days

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Johnny Carson is dead

He died at 79.

Weird how the death of a person who had NO real impact on your life can make you really consider the passage of time in a way that more personal events can’t.

11 days