Saturday, March 12, 2005

Emily Post

Something that just makes me SPITTING mad, all those people who think etiquette is a weapon … and moreover these people will often show off half learned rules to show how "well bred" they are. Announcing that one is NOT to wear white after Labor Day … is like saying "Money is the root of all evil" … close … but no cigar. "The love of money is the root of all evil" and one does not wear summer white after Labor Day. Most etiquette rules are just common sense … summer whites are too light for most fall/winter weather … and are often too casual. Sorry, all of this was brought on by a foolish little TWIT who wrote in to Dear Abby … and even dear old Dear Abby missed the mark in her answer …

DEAR ABBY: I just became engaged to my boyfriend of two years. We plan to be married in October. My boyfriend and I have agreed to have an old-fashioned church wedding and, of course, a white wedding dress. But our wedding will be in October and Labor Day is in September, and I never wear white after Labor Day.
My boyfriend insists I should wear white. He says there is an exception to every rule, but I disagree, and we don't want to change our wedding date. Can you tell me what to do? -- BRIDE WITH NO DRESS IN ILLINOIS
DEAR BRIDE: Please do not be concerned about breaking a fashion rule. A white wedding dress signifies that it is the bride's first marriage. Because you have not been married before, you may wear a white bridal gown regardless of what time of year your wedding is held. The sales people at your local bridal shop will be happy to guide you in making your selection.

Nope, white does not signify a bride’s virginity, nor does it signify a first marriage. White signifies a bride’s joy on her wedding day. A white FUNERAL dress signifies the virginity of the deceased … but I hardly consider a funeral and a wedding to be similar in their clothing requirements.
If you want to take issue with me … read your Emily Post and get back to me … then we will talk.

6 days!!!!

Friday, March 11, 2005

It's not what you know

After continuing to follow the debate that is spreading through the HBC a thought occurred to me. It is perhaps more of a matter of who you know. Bob is related to doctors … my own father was an administrator at the hospital where I received the majority of my medical treatment. I am sure that to some degree the fact that I knew my doctors socially influenced the way they undertook my care. For my doctors I wasn’t just Amber Briggs, patient. I was the daughter of Norman Briggs, head of the St. Clare Center; I was the playmate of their children. They had a personal interest in my health as well as a professional one.
~ One Week

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My relationship has taken another turn to the surreal

He is sick and I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep because he is sick. He is 381.6 miles away and I can’t sleep because he has the flu. I couldn’t even do anything if I was there. But he is sick, so I’m awake.
10 days

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

This started as a comment …

On The Ockhamist but it was getting long so I decided to post it here.
On Anti-Depressants causing Anti-Personality. As a depression sufferer who USUALLY manages depression with attention to diet, sleep habits, and exercise ... these things are not always enough. If one finds that their Anti-Depressants are causing Anti-Personality talk to your DOCTOR ... change your Rx ... either the type or the dosage. Suggesting that depression should only be handled with out prescription medication is DANGEROUS. While short term situational bouts of depression can and should be handled that way (too often Anti-Depressants a prescribed for those who don’t ACTUALLY fit the criteria for their usage. Clinical Depression meds are for those who fit specific criteria established by the medical and psychological communities )
Saying that people who suffer from depression should manage it with diet and exorcise is like saying all diabetics should manage their disease with only diet and exorcise. While many can and do, this is not always enough because their body is not producing the right chemicals in the right amounts. The same is often true with Clinical Depressives. The bodies of many Clinical Depressives are not producing the right chemicals in the right amounts. Furthermore the goal of most of the major, strong Anti-Depressants (such as Prozac) is to effect a permanent change in the chemistry of the brain and are generally not intended to be taken for the rest of the Depressive’s life but are instead intended to be taken for a relatively short period in time (often a year or less) in an attempt to jump start the brain’s production of its own seritonin.
"Anti-depressants cause anti-personality, St. John's Wort actually works and so does exercise! So on and so forth. Wouldn't it be smarter to clean up one's diet and start exercising?" DEPRESSION causes Anti-Personality . Saying Depressives should just clean up their diets and start exercising is a "blame the victim" mentality that will often make depression worse since the depressive will see their own "bad acts" as the source of their depression. The truly depressed are already unlikely to seek help for their problem due to sharply decreased self-esteem and motivation as well as the social stigma attached to depression. By adding to this the suggestion that it is their own fault they are depressed will only lead to adding further disorders to their mental health problems ("I control my diet, I exercise … I am still depressed … I need to control my diet MORE." And Ta-DAH! You have a severely depressed bulimic/anorexic)
The decision to control depression with diet and exercise should be made with one’s doctor and psychologist/psychiatrist so it can be properly monitored and drugs can be prescribed if needed.

11 days ‘till my own "natural anti-depressant" arrives

Monday, March 07, 2005


Random thought. I HIGHLY recomend Colgate Sponge Bob Square Pants Toothpaste (or any of their other children's toothpastes). My obsession with children's stuff not withstanding ... the major advantage to brushing with children's toothpaste is that even though it contains the same active ingredent and in the same amount, the flavor added to the children's toothpaste leaves your mouth more quickly. Your teeth are clean and you can drink and eat without concern over the intense mint flavor grown up toothpaste overwhelming your tastebuds. (Meaning that O.J. after brushing your teeth isn't gross)

12 days