Saturday, July 16, 2005



Today I work 11-5 so my copy will arrive while I am at work ... BUT I have tomorrow off. I laughed at the news blurb about two little girls who wanted to stay up all night reading but were told they HAD to go to bed. "HAH HA! That is why it rocks to be 24 and a Potter head. I can stay up as late as I want reading! No one can tell me I have to go to bed!!!!!"

Thursday, July 14, 2005


For those interested ... you can find pics of the apartment Lee and I are going to share over on his 'blog. Just click on his name over on the right hand side.

Spreading the Joy

So, I just saw on Di's blog that it looks good for a 2005-2006 HOCKEY SEASON! PRAISE The Allmighty!

In other news I am going to Colorado at the begining of AUG. to bond with the Half-way House girls. This trip HAD to happen, we need to talk about our lives (Jeanna's baby, my upcoming wedding, blah blah blah) and only so much can be done on-line.