Depending on how you count it, it is 15 or 16 days till the Winter Gathering ... Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is being Released July 16th ... I had a yummy omelet for breakfast ... There is a nice blanket of snow on the ground with more coming love life is ACTUALLY going well for once* ... The only way I can imagine improving life right now is to be lying in front of a fire, watching the snow, reading HBP, being fed the delicious omelet by my romantic interest, as all of our friends frolic about.
* Yes, that is right kids, I have stumbled upon a young man who is NICE to me. NICE with out the prospect of *ahem* instant gratification. He is neither intimidated by me ... Nor arrogant (at least with me!) He gets pleasure from my happiness (as I do his)... Could this mean I have matured? Or have I just gotten lucky? I can't remember EVER having a romantic relationship that wasn't also a power struggle... Was that due to my having some childish need for domination? Bad luck? Some combination of the two? As I recall previous romantic relationships I was always martyring myself or being domineering.. Twisting a martyred knife offers no appeal ... Nor does being strident and demanding. Could this be why I have turned into a 13 year old girl? Is it because I have discarded the hard exteriors that I usually use? Or did I discard the exteriors because I turned into a 13 year old girl? I need a smoke.