Friday, December 03, 2004

Does she look like me?

You have the Vermeer girl look. A Vermeer girl
appealed mostly to the old masters of the Dutch
school, who painted pictures of everyday life
as they knew it. With her fine, fair skin, she
suited a light, natural, dewy make-up. The
Vermeer Girl loved homely things, such as
homemade soaps and candles. The following
artists would have liked to paint you; Pieter
de Hooch and Jan Vermeer.

'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Related babble

At the bar I met a pleasant young man. Tall and soft in the middle with curly strawberry blond hair just how I like 'em. (Cool tattoo and cute southern accent bonus points.) He was being flirty, I was being guarded but a bit flirty ... Until I was set on my heels. In a misguided attempt to impress the females present with his 'Bad Boy' attitude he shared a story about how he will soon be the defendant in a jury trial. He was arrested for assaulting a local club owner. Now, I understand his desire to prove himself tough and masculine since I have seen sleeping kittens who appear more physically intimidating, but I for one want to keep my distance from any guy who gets into blind drunk rages that result in assault charges. I don't care if he is cute.

So many random thoughts and so much confusion I am having great difficulty organizing it. So I will just blather on expressing thoughts as they come. I'm stuck in a loop of thought. On the one hand I am wondering where all the people "like me" are around here ... Young, white collar and single. On the other hand part of me is SCREAMING Princess, what makes you so special? What makes you think you are better than anyone in your younger, local, social circle? You balked when you heard that someone was going to be late going out because they were visiting a friend in Jail. Guess what sweet cheeks, your ex-boyfriend was a drug dealer and has done jail time. While you have a fancy little education ... What are you doing with it? Nothing. Sitting on your ass being pretentious and whiny. The years of the easy life are over. Your cosmic debts are being called in and you are actually going to have to EARN your way. No more getting the best just by showing up. Most people have had to actually work for what they have. Be of VALUE to society. What do you really offer?
Then I tell a friend she is "incorrigible" and she says "I would be insulted if I knew what you said." And for a moment I turn into the human thesaurus (something I was actually called by classmates in Jr. High School) until I remember that THAT is part of the reason why I was regarded as stuck up by my classmates in kindergarten through Sr. year of High School. Usually I am quite innocent in this behavior. I use the first word that springs to mind. My audience doesn't understand it so I start spewing synonyms and definitions, in an honest attempt to be helpful. They see me as showing off ... But this is the start of all the "I'm better than these people thoughts." I realize that it is just an accident of genetics that makes me "better." (Now I feel the need to explain my use of the word "better." When I say better I just mean academically smarter. I say "better" because academic ability is something I prize. Of course I mostly likely prize it because I HAVE it to some degree.
I am also terribly afraid. I LIKE (to some degree) being a big brain in a small pond. While I enjoy being around them greater intellects frighten and cow me. I want so desperately to prove myself worthy of their friendship ... And while I know it improves me ... It keeps me on edge and exhausts me.
I'm not as bright and talented as I want to be and I am disturbed when people suggest that I am bright and talented. It makes me feel like a fraud. I am stressed (and not in the good 'taking on the world' way) because I am afraid that if I let my guard down for even a moment everyone will see me for the pathetic scrap of humanity I am and they will be angry because they have been played for fools.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

My Old Band Teacher

From today's Baraboo News Republic

Band teacher faces charges for sex crime
By Brian Bridgeford
A long-time Baraboo schools band teacher was placed on leave and faces criminal charges after investigators say he had sex with a 14-year-old Marquette County boy.
Sauk City resident Jeff L. Roy, 48, faces charges of using a computer in a child sex crime and three counts of sexual assault of a child, said Richard J. Dufour, Marquette County district attorney. The charges stem from a single incident in July of 2003 at the boy's home in rural Montello, he said.
Baraboo Police Lt. Rob Sinden said plain clothes Baraboo detectives contacted Roy at the Baraboo Middle School at about 3 p.m. Tuesday. He voluntarily came to City Hall for questioning by a Marquette County sheriff's detective.
After the interview the detective arrested Roy and took him to jail in Marquette County, he said.
According to documents released by the Marquette County Sheriff's Office, the juvenile said he and Roy used the Yahoo Messenger Internet service to exchange messages. Roy eventually made arrangements to come to the boy's home on July 26, 2003 where he performed sex acts with the boy.
Baraboo School District Administrator Lance Alwin said Roy has been placed on paid leave until he receives information about the formal charges in the case. At that point, the district administration will have an investigation and determine Roy's future employment status.
"We have already contacted the (Marquette County) District Attorney Office to ask for a copy of the court papers," he said. "Once we are provided with them, that will allow us to know precisely how to proceed with whatever we end up needing to do."
Roy has served in the district for about 13 years, Alwin said.
Marquette County investigators have told him they have no knowledge that the acts Roy is being charged with involved any Baraboo students, Alwin said.
Dufour said Roy is due back in court on Dec. 13.
If Roy is convicted, the computer use charge carries a maximum penalty of a $100,000 fine and 25 years in prison. Each sex assault charge is punishable by a $100,000 fine and up to 40 years in prison. He had a bond hearing Wednesday and is free on a $2,500 cash bond.

Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care, The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath, Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course

Chief nourisher in life's feast.

Last night I had two dreams that I recall.
The first was a very telling nightmare. I was back in High School and I was talking to this geekie/attractive older guy (like mid 20's) By a slip of the tongue I said entomology instead of etymology and he shook his head to subtlely correct me. I was so humiliated. I knew, in the way you know things in dreams, that he now thought I was stupid.

The second was great! The whole dream was just me making-out with a really hot guy. I don''t remember who he was (though I do remember that he was familiar) ... The only reason I remember this dream is that my alarm went off during it and I pummled the living crap out of my alarm clock trying to get back to it to no avail.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Why is it?

... that the guys that stare at me from their car windows are never hot? I ask because on my break it seems my mini skirt nearly caused an accident on the corner of Broadway and 3rd. I watched as an old ugly guy stared at me ... instead of watching his turn ... nearly plowed into a parked car, stopped short causing traffic behind him to stop short ... and being the self-centered person I am ... all I though was "That would have been so much more flattering if he was hot." Then I started thinking if I have ever had a hot stranger obviously stare at me from his car... or shout obscene things at me on the street. I can't think of a single occasion. I know it is not because hot guys have better manners or are better at not getting caught stareing. I have often caught and mocked my hot friends for being obvious when checking out women. Do hot guys just not find me attractive?

I am an angry young woman, but you already knew that

While it is true that my bad attitude is exacerbated by the whole cell phone issue. ...Fucking asshole little old surveyor man! This is the little old surveyor who likes to call Kelly, Sally, and I Ted's three secretaries. .... Of the three of us I'm the only "Secretary" in the place. But of course that can't be true because unless Kelly and Sally are secretaries ... They are doing men's work. You can't trust something as important as mapping to women because it might stress their fragile little minds. ... But that was all previous encounters with shitty little old surveyor man. Today he walks in and interrupts me (I had been previously actually doing work) and says I want Plat of Survey number 9986. So I say O.K. And return to my work since it is NOT MY FUCKING JOB to do research for surveyors. I do it for the public who doesn't know a Harrison Monument from their asshole ... But a surveyor should be perfectly capable of pulling the correct binder and making a fucking photocopy. I don't even mind running the big plotter/copier for the surveyors since they are often scared they will mess it up. But DON'T YOU DARE, AS A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, JUST STAND THERE AND DEMAND I PULL A SURVEY FOR YOU. So he just stares at me and says. "Hello! I need POS 9986." So I reply "I guess I'll pull that for you then." So I pull the right book open it to the right page and go to return to my work and he says "I need a copy." Fine. I stop what I'm doing AGAIN and make the photocopy. He reminds me that I need to copy both sides of the document because there is information on both sides. No shit? Really ... Those squiggle marks are ... Words you say? Huh. I don't know much about no words. ... And it would have been one thing if he just thought that was what was due to surveyors ... But other surveyors were running in and out doing all the things he was demanding I do for him.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Silly Rabbit, Trixs are for kids!

I am actually now looking FORWARD to the eventual loss of my job. I think I need a job that allows me to dance to the music in my head, running in circles chasing my own tail, and have my hair any unusual color/style I want as the mood strikes (and lets face it kids ... The mood strikes pretty often. I can't tell you the number of close calls I have had since September with a tub of bleach and a jar of Manic Panic.)

Images of turning inside out are running through my head. Not in some gross gooey way but just slowly folding myself unto my middle and getting smaller and smaller until I come out the other side in a burst of rainbows and sunshine.

This weekend many of my friends just noticed for the first time some of my more unusual decor elements (such as my giant plastic ham, my rubber fish, my shelves in the shape of a giant Snickers Bar, and my inflatable plastic roommate Claudia.)

Monday, November 29, 2004

Ask Miss Manners

Interesting "Miss Manners" style question posed to me at the bar on Saturday. I quote "How much notice do I have to give my baby daddy that he needs to take the baby for a long weekend. Is one month enough time?" To which I replied "Having neither a baby or a baby daddy I don't really know. Umm a month sounds good."

Toe = very hurty. Am walking funny.