So depressing
Election 2006 is over and with the exception of the opinion poll on Capital Punishment (and being an opinion poll has little to no effect on Wisconsin) no vote went my way.
It is enough to make a girl want to pull up stakes (again) and move. The Marriage Amendment passed. I honestly thought that there were enough people in Wisconsin who, even if they believe homosexuality is a sin, believe that the greatest sin is letting the Government into the bedroom. What frustrates me the most is that even without the amendment Wisconsin wasn't anywhere near legalizing same sex unions ... voting No would mean ... nothing ... no change.
Again and again I come back to two thoughts on same sex unions. The first is What makes some of the people in traditional marriage so afraid of same sex unions? I don't understand. How do same sex marriages "weaken" traditional marriages? Doesn't the climbing divorce rate hgave a far more adverse impact traditional marriage?
The second thought is actually rather funny. Many moons ago I was having a debate with a young woman about this issue. One of her major points for why same sex unions shouldn't be legal was that she believed it would end the propagation of the species. Why? Because "What woman would marry a man if she could have all the same bennifits of marriage in a union with a woman?" Huh. I wonder if her now husband knows she is a closeted lesbian?