Friday, March 14, 2008


So I was taking a survey from BlogHer (in support of my FAVORITE blog Passive Aggressive Notes) and one question stopped me in my tracks.

Do you think the next President should write his or her own blog? If so why?

I have NO IDEA. On the one hand such a casual forum through which we, the American public, could feel like we have an ongoing dialog with our president would be nice. It makes think of FDR's "Fireside Chats" revamped for the computer age but even with such an evil association my gut reaction is that the president maintaining a blog his or her own self would be wonderful. The public would feel like they have a direct line to the president's ear!

Then my brain kicks in and says "That is the problem, it would be a FEELING." We can already write letters and send emails to our elected officials, why would blog comments be more personally read and attended to than the access already granted? Would we actually learn anything new? Doubtful. What would the President post in this blog that we can't already know from other sources? All interesting information is too heavily guarded to be posted and the rest is already so widely available that having the president post it to a blog is just a redundant waste of valuable time.