Here you go

One night after work, while Lee was visiting, I came home, changed into my PJs and sat down with a beer to watch TV. Lee said, "Hey, would you like some wine?" I said, "O.K." knowing that he had purchased a decent merlot for us and figuring he was in the mood for wine instead of beer. Then he said "Wait! I think I have something better." and handed me a Dom Perignon box saying "open it." I looked at the box, thinking that he had stored a nice bottle of wine in the Dom box for safe keeping on the trip up from KY. I tried to open it but couldn't get the seal up so I handed it to him and said "Its sealed you ass." So Lee opened the box and inside, tied to the neck of the bottle of Dom with a ribbon was my engagement ring. Lee got on one knee and asked, "Will you marry me?" and I replied, "Of course!" and immidiately started fretting that, while it is funny, I was quite rude and I don't come off looking very nice for having called him an ass moments before he proposed.
So there is is, the story of my engagement.