Friday, August 05, 2005

Too Much

11 hours straight is too long to waitress at one time. No more. I am sleepy. I have a new job in addition to waitressing now. I will tell of it later, when holding my head up isn't a chore.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lee does it again!

So I stopped home from a craptacular morning at work with enough time to wash up my uniforms and myself before I go back to work tonight and on the counter is a package from Lee!
My spirits lifted quite a bit and I opened the package to find a lovely keepsake box. (All together now, "Awwwwww!") Wait, it gets better! Inside the box, tied with a blue ribbon is my key to our apartment the rest of the box is filled with Hershey Kisses, a note, and a phone card. *Sigh*

So guys, there you have it. Could he get anymore wonderful?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Strange Days

So this past weekend Metz surprised me by showing up at the restaurant, so I spent the weekend drinking and hanging out with him and his friend Chris. It was WONDERFUL to see him again. I can't remember how long it has been since I saw him last ... which is far too long ago, in my estimation.

In work related news, I *think* I got a promotion and a raise. The reason I say I *think* is because Mike isn't always totally clear about his answers to questions like 'Do I have a job here?' (I did and do) and 'Am I getting paid more?' (I think I am) If I didn't get a raise Mike and I shall have words, since today I accepted, checked, and put away the entire supplies shipment BY MYSELF, and yesterday (because Mike was on an important phone call) I prepared all the food for a restaurant full of people BY MYSELF. I asked him about the raise issue and I was told "No, no, yes, yes (high-five) I have no complaint." In Mike speak that is usually an affirmative, by we shall see.
The "Manager" of the restaurant is still a twit. She doesn't know the first thing about restaurants and I discovered today that she had NO ONE scheduled to close the restaurant last-night. Mike was alone, TOTALLY ALONE, for the last hour the place was open. If this was just a one time brain fart I would cut her some slack, but no, this has happened often. This was the first time it happened at closing but she has left Mike alone in the middle of the day for HOURS. I don't understand why he doesn't just can her ass. She is rude, vindictive, and incompetent. I would LOVE to have free reign to hire in a couple of new waitresses, fire the LAZY-ASS dishwasher/delivery driver (not the one with the crush on the waitress, a new one) hire a new dishwasher/delivery guy. GAH! of our staff now (not including Mike or the "Manager") 3 of the 6 are part time or summer help. I want to be able to train someone to do what I did today (I knew the proper way to do it because of my time at the Snack Bar) and train new waitresses in the PROPER way to do Arm Service (vs. Tray Service). I want to be able to do the schedule the RIGHT* way and then train someone to take over for me in December.

* before I get complaints that my way of scheduling isn't the only "right way" I just want to say that I realize that, but leaving GAPS in the schedule and not having the schedule completed until the Sunday before the week it starts, if then (I still don't know if/when I am working on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week), is (I think we can all agree) the WRONG way.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


So I was checking my email today and I got an Anon. comment on a VERY old post accusing me of picking on people in another VERY old post. This is not to say that I never pick on people ... but I think that is is pretty tough to construe "picking on" from this post.

So, my readers ... was I being MEAN?

and Anon. care to reveal yourself? You asked me who I am. (though that info can be found all over this 'Blog, starting with my profile) Who are YOU?