Friday, November 11, 2005


Maybe this is just me but time is REALLY annoying. I mean the rate at which it seems to pass. I am not just talking about the way time seems to crawl when you are waiting for a much anticipated event or speeds along when you are dreading something.
This morning when I woke up time seemed to be moving very slowly for me. Nice when you want to enjoy another punch of the snooze button or sip your coffee and watch the morning news, but problematic when you are trying to get through the work day. The weird thing about this is some days just seem to go by faster or slower than others and I don't know why. It seems totally unrelated to how busy I am, some busy days speed by while others creep and the same with slow days. I wish I knew what made this happen so I could control it and make crappy days end faster and make the good days seem to last forever.

Has anyone else experienced this?


Species of Lemur named after John Cleese. When I saw this I could barely speak.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Hillsdale, MI in the news.

"I'm trying to set up a board of advisers" that will include a former mayor and leaders from Hillsdale College, which he hopes to attend next fall.

WOW the big muckety mucks at Hillsdale College must be shitting themselves. Mostly with joy, but with a little fear too.

I mean having the Mayor of Hillsdale Attending the school while in office has great potential to be a boon for the college. BUT as a student at Hillsdale the newly elected mayor will have a different perspective on the relationship between the college and the town. Most HC students and graduates I know take issue with the college's policy toward the town, and they don't have the kind of long term vested interest in the Town of Hillsdale that the mayor should.

Hee hee. What if he falls in with a "bad crowd" possibly one that, mayhaps thinks that the College's wicked, usurping reign over the town should end? Or worse yet (for the citizens of Hillsdale), actually falls in with a bad crowd?*

* I am actually not claiming that any of the individuals involved with any of the above links have ever offered opinions to me about anything. Ever. I am simply taking a guess at what I believe might be their positions on HC policy toward the town of Hillsdale. I could be wrong.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Stupid questions, glue fettish and squirrel poo

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? My chin zits

2. How much cash do you have on you? None, I use my debit card for EVERYTHING

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? Best

4. Favorite plant? my little spider plant in my kitchen

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? I don't have a cell right now.

6. What is your main ring tone on your phone? I don't have a cell right now.

7. What shirt are you wearing? A brown sleaveless sweater shell and a teal w/ brown trim sweater

8. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing. I forget, but they are really cute brown kitten heeled pumps with baby pink stitching

9. Bright or Dark Room? Bright, fluorescent-light

10. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? I stole this from Carrie. A good friend of mine from H.S. and before.

11. What were you doing at midnight last night? Talking to Lee.

12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? I don't have a cell right now.

13. What's a saying that you say a lot? I have a bunch, Sweet action springs first to mind.

14. Who told you they loved you last? Lee.
15. Last furry thing you touched? Sir Dudley Marjoriebanks First Lord of Tweedymouth of Marshall Mannor

16. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? totally unknown probably dozens

17. Favorite age you have been so far? 21-22, my SR year of College. That was pretty good.

18. Your worst enemy? Unknown.

19. What is your current desktop picture? Lee at Halloween

20. What was the last thing you said to someone? "Ha Ha I don't give it back"

21. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret? Money. I stand firmly by the idea that your mistakes and regrets make you who you are.

22. The last song you listened to? Unknown. I don't listen to music much.


So those of you who read the November 4th THINGS THAT ARE SWEET will remember the guy who is suing Home Depot over having his ass glued to a toilet seat. Well the update is: He may have done it himself. No one is denying that this man was glued to a toilet seat, it would be too easy to disprove that. (just checking the dispatch transcripts would show if a call had been made about a guy glued to a toilet seat or not) No, the question now is: Did he glue himself to the toilet seat?

Apparently this guy has claimed to have been glued to a toilet before. My question is, does his ass just beg to be glued to something, does he just have really BAD luck or (and I think this is the winner) is he just nuttier than squirrel shit*? I understand a desire for attention, but really what is wrong with a beard of bees? No one has done that in a while. What makes a person smear their ass with glue and then SUE when they get stuck? Is it a fetish thing? Does he get off on talking about or having his ass glued to the toilet?

* Tangent: Speaking of squirrel shit, how come you don't have to be careful walking under trees to avoid having squirrel scat fall on your head? I mean everyone either has had bird poo fall on them or knows some one who has. Why not squirrel poo?


Well the Glue Guy is offering to take a Polygraph test. Now, my next question is: How does having your ass glued to a toilet give you diabetes?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Frustration is ...

Folding 125 little invitations to a stupid party you didn't even want to go to, much less plan and realizing that the invitations will allways have one corner that doesn't line up because even if you were perfect the paper isn't.


I tried the new format (henceforth junked, excepting THINGS THAT ARE SWEET) for a couple of reasons, but they all boil down to essentially the same thing. I am no good at accepting compliments.

Go ahead, say I have self-esteem issues. I don't mind.

I changed the format because:

1. I think my own life is rather dull and can't imagine anyone wanting to read about it.

2. The level of self-obsession needed to maintain a 'blog that contains little else beyond my own thoughts and what I think about those thoughts has always seemed a little disgusting to me.

Now, before those of you who said you don't like the new format say anything please remember, "I am no good at accepting compliments." I really am excruciatingly bad at it. If you ask Lee he will tell you that often when complimented I smile, lower my eyes, say "Thank you" and touch my nose. While I can't explain the nose touching specifically (just another strange little Amber tic) I will say that the combination of behaviors is a direct result of having no earthly idea what to do. I am only good at accepting compliments when I feel I have earned them. I am grateful for compliments regarding things I have worked hard to accomplish. "That painting is lovely. Your brushwork shows promise." To this I beam and reply that I spent a great deal of time working on my brush work and color blending skills.

"You are very pretty" "You are so well spoken" These are the sorts of compliments that bother me. I become flustered and uncomfortable. Why? Because I don't believe I had anything to do with the aspect of myself that is being complimented. It is as though people are saying "The fact and nature of your existence pleases me." While I doubt they are intended to be such I view these sorts of compliments to be the highest form of flattery. The idea that all I have to do to please someone is simply BE, is far too heady for me.

To bring this back to the format for The Thoughts of Youth, I originally changed it because I felt I owed those of you out there reading something a little better than just me. Just me is dull, whiny, angry, and self-absorbed.

The idea that people, anyone really but even more shocking people I respect, might actually prefer to read my one-sided conversations with the world is the highest compliment I have ever been paid. And I have NO IDEA what to do with it. Thank you.

Women's lower expectations can lead to a bigger pay off. Once again it sucks to be male.

Italian, Catholic Family Magazine shows a naked woman in sexually provocative advertisement.

Monday, November 07, 2005

It has been a week

I am wondering what people think of the change to Thoughts of Youth. You all like-y?
No like-y? Are you gonna take the poll to let me know?

Copy of Thoughts of Youth

How would you rate (from 1-10) the new Thoughts of Youth format?

Generation Y kicks some workplace ASS

Generation Y (for those of you who may not know, Gen Y is me and most of my readers) is hot shit in the workplace. Considered to be both "High Performance and High Maintenance" Gen Y is driving employers up the wall by not being responsive to the typical corporate command structure. Gen Y employees are as demanding of their employer as their employer is of them. Having watched the dotcom bust and having seen previous generations (our parents generation especially) struggle with balancing work life and private life makes Gen Y much more willing than previous generations to change employers and even careers to get their employment needs met. Gen Y also, it seems, is more fiscally responsible with saving for retirement a high priority among the twenty something set.

So to all of those who called us "Generation Y-bother" and mocked our "slacker" attitudes, I say "That is MS. Y-bother to you, and are my copies ready yet?"

For those of you who read Thursday November 3rd's THINGS THAT ARE SWEET and tuned in last night to the West Wing Debate ... Who Won? but sadly they are saying that viewers will NOT get to vote on who becomes the next West Wing president.

Since no one was killed ... PIRATE ATTACKS are Sweet.