Friday, December 09, 2005

Unreasonable glee and spleen venting.

Of late I am highly irritated with coworkers. Some of them seem hell bent on fucking up my shit. BUT, for reasons totally unfathomable to me, my response has been to be outrageously happy. I sing songs (I grant you, the songs are often about self-immolation), I do crazy dances, I murmur to myself about how much I enjoy monkeys, I sporadically blurt fragments of holiday songs ... I have even attempted to take out my irritation at coworkers on unsuspecting idjits on various message boards and 'blogs but instead of getting worked up into a good foamy lather, as often as not I ignore their stupidity or wish them happy holidays.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

You were losers then you are losers now

If the most important thing your club ever did in 60+ years of existence was socilitate [sic] a mural. Face it. Your club sucks.

Then I watched TV...

Lately my dreams have been really lame. I used to have fun dreams. They had interesting plots or were crazy out-there trippy. I had murder mystery dreams, adventures, love stories, drama, intrigue... My dreams were always fascinating (at least to me) and I would replay what I could remember of them in my head all day when I got bored. Better than TV. I would patch and build on my dream plots until I had an interesting story with a nice even flow. It was wonderful and a large part of the reason I have always been happy just to sit quietly and do 'nothing.'

Last night I had what is probably the most exciting dream I have had in a long time. I dreamt that I went to work and as I was taking off my Pea coat I reached in my pocket and found enough change to buy a bag of chips from the vending machine. I bought the chips. They were original Lays.

Also, probably as an outgrowth of the whole nihilistic, fatalistic, overworked, end of the semester attitude that seems to be hip with the kids today I am having trouble resisting the urge to be mean. I as I was reading poor Ryan's 'blog I saw "5. Only October (song about leaving the ones you love. Past: Grandfather died Present: Away from my immediate family; Future: missing wife and kids)" Now, PLEASE understand I love Ryan's music. This song will probably even make me cry. But there is a warped and rather cruel part of me that wants to respond, "Missing your future wife and kids? Who says you will have any? You might just die alone. Totally alone." Rather mean, no? I don't really doubt that Ryan will have a lovely (if diminutive) family someday. I just had this almost overwhelming urge to be a jerk. Hmm now Jewish Mother is kicking in and I am trying to think of lovely young ladies I could set him up with.

Christmas shopping is (thankfully) done. All I have left is the wrapping and shipping. HURRAH!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

People Irritate

People who condemn Harry Potter for leading all the little children to Devil Worship but LOVE the Lord of the Rings and Narnia series are just plain dumb. Sorry people but your argument against HP went out the window when you said LOTR and Narnia are O.K. Shall we compare them?
Narnia LOTR HP
X X X Magic used by "the good guys"
X X X Magic used by "the bad guys"
X X X Christian Author
X X X can be read as Christian allegory
X X X doesn't HAVE to be read as Christian allegory

HELL! It is looking more every day like Harry will give up his life to save the world .... wonder where I heard a story like THAT before....

Things I want to do before my wedding

Finish planning my wedding (this one seems pretty important)

Grow HEALTHY hair just over shoulder length long

Grow HEALTHY nails 1/8" past my finger tips on all fingers

Lose 50 lbs.

Things to do before I move

Finish Packing

Fill out change of address forms

Organize the move dates and move crew

Things to do before Christmas

Wrap and ship all Christmas gifts.

Plan and host stupid Holiday party that no one wants to go to.

Wrap up my work projects

Things to do before the end of the day

Finish half the pile of paperwork waiting to be processed.

Things that make me crazy
Coworkers who feel the need to stomp everywhere. No, you are not impressive you just startle me. Stop it.


Does anyone know the title of Amy Jokinen's movie?