Recent conversation from the "Hobit Hole*"
*Hobit Hole being Lee's Mom's nickname for our apartment
L: What things do you need washed right away?
A: You mean you are going to dig through the laundry I have sorted by color and dump it into one load?
L: How about I pull out what I need and you pull out what you need?
A: You mean you are going to dig through the laundry I have sorted by color and dump it into one load?
L:Yes, but my clothes don't need to be sorted by color.
A: ALL clothes need to be sorted by color, you big ... GUY.
L: What the hell does that mean? You say 'guy' like it is a bad thing. 'You have a penis therefor you are an idiot.'
A: Apparently having a penis means you don't know how to do laundry.