Friday, November 11, 2005


Maybe this is just me but time is REALLY annoying. I mean the rate at which it seems to pass. I am not just talking about the way time seems to crawl when you are waiting for a much anticipated event or speeds along when you are dreading something.
This morning when I woke up time seemed to be moving very slowly for me. Nice when you want to enjoy another punch of the snooze button or sip your coffee and watch the morning news, but problematic when you are trying to get through the work day. The weird thing about this is some days just seem to go by faster or slower than others and I don't know why. It seems totally unrelated to how busy I am, some busy days speed by while others creep and the same with slow days. I wish I knew what made this happen so I could control it and make crappy days end faster and make the good days seem to last forever.

Has anyone else experienced this?


Species of Lemur named after John Cleese. When I saw this I could barely speak.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have and i isn't fun...

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My slow days are almost always my depressed days, and my fast days are days when I am happy and enjoying what I'm doing...

I've never tried to control the speed of my day, but you might try being happier on those downer days, and being sadder on those happy fast days???

just an idea...

9:57 PM  

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