Tuesday, December 06, 2005

People Irritate

People who condemn Harry Potter for leading all the little children to Devil Worship but LOVE the Lord of the Rings and Narnia series are just plain dumb. Sorry people but your argument against HP went out the window when you said LOTR and Narnia are O.K. Shall we compare them?
Narnia LOTR HP
X X X Magic used by "the good guys"
X X X Magic used by "the bad guys"
X X X Christian Author
X X X can be read as Christian allegory
X X X doesn't HAVE to be read as Christian allegory

HELL! It is looking more every day like Harry will give up his life to save the world .... wonder where I heard a story like THAT before....


Blogger Will said...

I think HP is great and have no use for calling it the devil's work or what have you, but I had a buddy from high school who was really into the whole "HP is evil" thing, and did quite a bit of research. Apparently, at least for the people who care enough to actually read the books to determine that they think they're bad, the difference lies in that there's a decent bit of material in the Harry Potter series that's actual occult history, as opposed to Narnia and LotR.
This is totally secondhand info, so don't ask me to clarify/defend. Just saying that's the only reasoned account I've yet heard. I can't attest to its validity or otherwise.

1:34 AM  

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