So last night as I listened I choked back laughter, because no one that stressed needs to be laughed at. I couldn't help but smile though as I remembered days and nights when I screamed and cried almost the exact same words into the phone or to a friend or both. "I challenge you to find anyone who has never been sweating bullets about classes and graduating."
I now realize I would kill for some of that time, even the bad time, back. My life has taken a definite turn for the mundane. Work, eat, sleep. Over and over till the weekend when it is sleep, eat, sleep. How did it become that snow and a screwed up conference call became the most interesting things in my day? It is hard to admit that my "scrabble in a blackout" days are over.
A new obessesion taken from Pearlman. Toothpaste for Dinner

Wow, you really sound like you're graduated too.
???? Since I believe you are Valerie Silliman I am going to assume that it wasn't sarcasm. Valerie, I am graduated :) I graduated in 2003.
I am so glad you love drew and his toothpastefordiner antics! I love it!
So glad I can spread the joy.
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