Dear Underwear Gnomes,
Please stop taking all my comfy butt covering undies. As I was getting ready for a bike ride today I discovered that you have taken almost all of my butt covering undies. While other undies have their place and purpose thongs and the like are no good in combination with bicycle seats. I don't know if you ride bicycles or wear undies yourselves but now that I have brought my problem to your attention I am hoping you will let me keep the butt covering undies I still have. Also, if you meet any of the dryer gremlins that take my socks please tell them that while I apreciate the fact that they pay me in coffee mugs and pens I have plenty of both (esp. considering that both breed when left alone in cabinets and drawers) but I am running out of matching socks.
Thank you,
In other News
Di Havlin is having an interesting conversation over at "It's a joy to be hidden" worth checking out I think...
Now that I am back ... I am back with a vengance ... and hopefully today's glut of posts will get me back in the habit and my bike ride will provide reflections a but deeper than this shizzlenat.

Thanks Amber!!!
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