Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Double Dipping

Well since I haven’t posted in a while I shall give you two for the price of one.

I find myself wondering how it came to be that Bob and I got tapped to be “Mom” and “Dad.” We are no older than the “children”, we are no more mature. When was it decided that we are the best people to turn to if there is a problem? I know neither of us really minds being that person, I am just curious as to how it happened.


Blogger Daniel Silliman said...

Simple: a tendency to take people under your wings.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

We take people under our wings?

Anyway, I always thought it was mostly habit plus practice. That is, early on we started listening, fixing things ...word sort of got around, and people given a choice try to limit the of other people that they are emotionally vulnerable to=repeat business.

Not to mention, that, well, experence does make us good at it.

8:02 AM  

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